Extreme Survival Lava Only
Our lava island will survive on a very dangerous island, we can make our house on the island we want to live on, there are lots of materials on the island.
-Be careful under the island
-There is a treasure There is a treasure There was treasure found under the island because the object was buried.

-Ada banyak bahan yang tersebar di pulau-pulau ini.
-There is nothing in the description that needs correction and everything is correct
-Files are correct
Kalian bisa langsung download map dengan mudah menggunakan file Mcworld, kalu mau gunakan file Zip.
You can easily download the map directly using the Mcworld file, if you want, use the Zip file.
->Hope you enjoy the map
->Hopefully there are no bugs, I hope it's fine.
->Just fun!!!
creator: VangCool