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MCPE/Bedrock Flattened Survivalist (Flatlands)

Illustrious Member Admin

Flattened Survivalist (Flatlands)

Flattened Survivalist is a flatlands survival map that is completely free of mods. If you ever tried to play flatlands you probably needed a mod or you simply couldn’t because it was on java. In this map, you have everything you could possibly need and you can definitely finish the game. Every single mob  is possible (except the guardians and fish (mob) not fish item).

    There are many buildings to help you obtain certain blocks and tools. For help, check the book inside the map, read the guide down below and if both don’t have the question you’re looking for, join the discord as linked be.ow


Flattened Survivalist is the third map made by me which is another hardcore survival map. Survival is probably a boring thing for you. You may even be tired of skyblock and you may just want something a little more accessible and different. 

    Flattened Survivalist is a completely bedrock accessible flatlands survival map that you can easily download within the click of a button and set up within a little more. This map is accessible on windows 10, iOS, Android and any other operating system that supports Minecraft Bedrock Edition. This is a map where you can achieve almost anything in a far less boring way.

    You spawn in a flat world with a bunch of items in a chest and some buildings. The buildings include: A bee farm (which is where you get the wood), a nether and end area (I’ll put a guide on how to get to the end which is very very oblivious to get to), a bad omen effect 1 hour clock timer to spawn in a vindicator captain for all your illager needs, and an ore generator.



    Infinite water: Use the sand farm and coal to make glass bottles and scoop them up and fill the cauldron then with a bucket, scoop up a new water source then place it in 2 corners and break the blocks into a 2×2.

    End: Due to spoilers, ask me on discord.

     Nether: Grab lava and water and assemble them in such a way that the water turns the lava into obsidian OR grab lava and turn into obsidian, mine it then create the portal.

     Lighting the nether portal: Since gravel is impossible, use lava to do so. Place 1 burnable block at the back of the portal then lava 1 block away from the inside of the portal. Wait a few seconds and it will work.

    Glass (for your beacon needs): Use the sand farm to gain sand and cook up the sand to create glass.

     More lava: Create a nether portal from the guide above and scoop up lava from the nether.

     Eyes of Ender: Unnecessary.

     Automating the sand farm: Place a torch where the sand falls after removing the cobweb and place a hopper just below the torch to grab the dropped sand.

     Mobs: You can wait until night for mobs to spawn or you can simply make a 4 block high farm that’s covered.

     Food: Kill animals and eat them or grow wheat to make bread.

     Wheat: Use bones from skellies to create bonemeal and tap the ground while holding bonemeal to create some grass. Break the grass and there is a slight chance of obtaining seeds.


The mcworld link download previously was made with the procedure of zipping the world folder and changing the extension to an mcworld. That did not work for some reason and the link now has a file made with the following procedure: going into the file, selecting everything, zipping and changing the extension to an mcworld. It should now work properly.



1. Download.

2. Unzip.

3. Move to minecraftWorlds.

4. Open,


MCWORLD FILE labeled as (0):

1. Download. 

2. Open


Press one of the links so I know my statistics for downloads.



Topic starter Posted : 30/12/2019 6:09 pm