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MCPE/Bedrock Magic Cobble Skyblock!

Illustrious Member Admin

Magic Cobble Skyblock!


This is a Skyblock with some extra features that make it unlike any other! This Skyblock is a very fresh interpretation of the concept with a dirt generator and ore spawns! Special thanks to Willpurpz and Haiden K. For helping me speed this up and create other cool things as well.


This world has a unique cobblestone generator that creates ores with the use of command blocks! The blocks it generates include diamond, iron, lapis, redstone, and simply cobblestone. Other than that it is a Skyblock with the end goal of beating the ender dragon. All the things you can do on this Skyblock is enchant, go to all dimensions, brew potions, have a couple of spawners to fight mobs endlessly, and beat the game with this classic unique twist!


Made some slight adjustments to main island

Tweaked some gamerules

creator: Gswizzle22



Topic starter Posted : 08/06/2020 12:53 pm