Minecraft Skyblock: DLC
Hey, and welcome to the first CuriousGames' Minecraft map. What's in here? On this map you have several islands to survive on. Each island has some loot and secrets, so pay attention to every detail! This one is a different version of the original Skyblock. It will give you great experience!
Getting started.
After you join the world, you'll notice you're somewhere, but no in skyblock. Well, that's the place you'll spawn everytime after dying. Got to the gate to proceed.
You're in Skyblock: so what's now?
And now, start your survival series. You can now do whatever you want to. Next to your inventory, you will see what biome/island you're in right now.
If you want to review all the islands, here's the trailer:
Plain island.
In the plain island, you have some trees and nature. You also have caves with ore and some untrusted secrets too. After mining cobblestone and wood, we recommend for you to make slabs and bridge to another: Mushroom island.

Mushroom Island
This island has some secrets too, but overall it's just an island with tons of food.
Ocean Island
The ocean island is pretty interesting. It has ✨ axolotls ✨ and all the ocean life. It has a 2 in 1 secret, by the way.
Desert island,
The most mysterious one. It has a big-big secret no one knows about. It has treasure and an underworld dimension, which has some decent resources. At least be grateful that we left the chest of armor on the surface XD
Village Island
I mean, every island has a ton of secrets-
So, it has some villagers, some cool resources (including Iron Golem), and something more.
Nether Island
Has a lot of Netherite and a blaze spawner.
Rocket (final Island)
So, what is the rocket? Well, this is the thing that you will fly on to the end, and beat the Ender Dragon. To fuel the rocket, you will need 1x Netherite Block. All the Netherite and gold is hidden on the map, so do not worry. If you can't find all the Netherite, just know it's somewhere hidden, and we're not mistaken (map was tested 3 times), but if you just can't find the Netherite, and give up, you may give it to yourself.
How to enter the Rocket?
So, you see the rocket. There are two iron trapdoors, and a black block between them. Step on the block. You will appear in the Rocket. An NPC will greet you, and ask for the block.
Notice: if you do not have the block, PLEASE do not click I have it! That button can be used only one time!
So, if you have the block click Yes, I have it and you will proceed to the rocket. Sit down the chair and click start rocket. Then click Start countdown and then.. you will fly to the end.
- Changed the domain on the download link. Our old domain was unpaid for, so it went down. We now use a new domain, see https://games.artemcurious.studio/
Notice: this world supports: 1.17.40, 1.17.41 and newer.
creator: https://twitter.com/curiousgames_