
MCPE/Bedrock Normal...
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MCPE/Bedrock Normal Sky Block

Illustrious Member Admin

Normal Sky Block


Hallo guy’s. This sky block map is so normal, too normal. But this more hard than another sky block. Because resource is limited, and resource a little than other. And you can make more than you have. 

I will give you a tips and trick playing sky block. 



1. You must find a piglin to trade. After you trade you will get gravel. And you can make a coarse dirt, final you just change coarse dirt to normal dirt with hoe. 

Just 1 tips, but is so help full thanks

I’m sorry if my sentence is difficult to understand because I don’t really speak English

In this island i was change biome to crimson Forrest. you can spawn piglin and hoglin here.

creator: Dhee


Topic starter Posted : 05/01/2021 10:00 pm