SkyChunks Reimagined - Survival Map - Chunks in the sky
Looking for a cool Minecraft survival map in the sky? Here is one! Explore new biomes as chunks, build your world in the sky or on the chunks! The new 1.19 biomes are included, Deep dark (ancient city), mangrove swamp. There are also structures like Desert Temple and Pillager Outpost and more! You can also find a lot of loot in chests! Villages and villagers are also there!
Survival Map in the sky with chunks for biomes and build places
Build, Explore, Loot, Kill the enderdragon and more!
Deep dark (Ancient City) NEW 1.19

Mangrove swamp NEW 1.19

Desert Temple

Pillagar Outpost NEW Allay 1.19

Jungle Temple


And much more!
All chunks:

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Windows: Download the SkyChunksReimagined.mcworld and double click on it, now it should import to minecraft.
Android: Download the SkyChunksReimagined.mcworld file, then download the FX File Explorer in the Playstore, when you downloaded it open the app and go to your downloads folder, find the SkyChunksReimagined.mcworld file and tap on it to import it to your game. The world should automatically launch in-game.
IOS: Download the SkyChunksReimagined.mcworld, tap on the share button and then on "open in minecraft". 2th method: Upload the .mcworld file to your iCloud Drive. Use the Files app to rename it from SkyChunksReimagined.mcworld to and extract it. Move the world-name folder to the Minecraft/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds folder under "On My iPad/iPhone" Open Minecraft and your import will be ready to play.