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Subnautica 1:1 scale replica in vanilla Minecraft
I remade the entire map of Subnautica 1:1 scale. The scale may be actually a few dozen blocks off, but it might as well be 1:1. I have been working on this project for a while now and I am pretty happy with it.

I remade the entire map of Subnautica 1:1 scale. The scale may be actually a few dozen blocks off, but it might as well be 1:1. Its not 100% complete due to some missing features like the caves along with some errors like terrain pillars. If you have any idea how to solve any issues you encounter in the map using worldpainter, please let me know. It's Bedrock edition but I have a Java version over on Planet Minecraft just in case.
Topic starter Posted : 13/06/2023 6:45 pm