Sunny Skyblock Map
Sunny Skyblock map
This map “SunnySkyblock” is an adventure skyblock map and was developed by @GameFireGhost.
The mission of the map is to give you players out there a new Skyblock adventure + MC to expand 1 world.
I thought I would just create a Skyblock map and then “Sunny Skyblock” came out.
The map “SunnySkyblock” is an adventure skyblock map and was developed by @GameFireGhost
It contains 9 / [10] islands | 4 In the Nether | 5 In the Overworld | 1 In the end
1. Plains Island
2. Desert Island
3. Myzel Island
4. Portal Island
5. The Mine Island
6. Crimson Island
7. Warped Island
8. Blackstone Island
9.Soul Island
[10.] End Island
Each island has 1 NPC who has quests for you or he just says something
There are 6 NPC | 2 In the Nether | 4 In The Overworld | 0 In the end
1. Mr. Plains
2.Mr. Desert
3.Mr. Shroom
4.Mr. mine
5. Dr. Crimson
6. Dr. Warped
How to download the map:
1. Choose 1 of the two versions
2. Download the file (mediafire)
3. Start MC
4. Have fun playing