
MCPE/Bedrock The Ha...
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MCPE/Bedrock The Hardest Survival in the History of Minecraft

Illustrious Member Admin

The Hardest Survival in the History of Minecraft


Did you ever think Minecraft survival was too easy? Do you want a challenge so hard you will want to delete Minecraft? Well, do I have a world for you! In this world almost all of the natural blocks in Minecraft kill you if you step on them!


I challenge you to download this map and try to survive. In this world if you touch grass, dirt, stone, gravel, sand, sandstone, clay, water, mossy cobblestone, chest, furnace, crafting table, anvil, netherrack, soul sand, or end stone you will instantly die. If you can play in this world and get diamond armor in survival and go to the nether and go to the end and fight the ender dragon… then you are a god because this survival is the HARDEST SURVIVAL IN THE HISTORY OF MINECRAFT!!!

creator: TjDragon097


Added more images in the description and added more starter blocks.


Topic starter Posted : 23/08/2020 12:09 pm