
MCPE/Bedrock Void S...
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MCPE/Bedrock Void Survival (Updated)

Illustrious Member Admin

Void Survival


A large scale twist on classic Skyblock, Void Survival is a new and unique experience, changing the way you play Survival but keeping to Minecraft’s roots, giving a unique yet familiar challenge anyone can enjoy 


Custom biomes, caves, dungeons, an ocean, and access to both the Nether and End dimensions, Void Survival is a fresh take on the Survival you’re used to.

However this map comes with many of the challenges Skyblock offers, yet allows more freedom with a 300×300 starting map and several large extensions.

Much like Skyblock, your supplies are limited.From level 40 to 0 on the main island are most of the only natural ores you can obtain, yet creating mob farms and starting your own village can give you expensive supplies such as weapons and armor you’ll need if you want to survive and advance. There are also ores in other areas, but you won’t find them spread randomly underground, only hidden in certain places.

Somewhere below the main island lies an End portal, along with various treasures. Find it and you’ll obtain valuable items and gear, as well as your only access point to the End! 

Invisible barriers prevent you from falling into the void around the islands, so you don’t have to worry about being knocked off!

Good luck and have fun!


(Feedback is greatly appreciated! You can give Feedback in the comments below or @Plasma7007 on Twitter! Additionally, you are absolutely allowed to make YouTube videos and other various creator content with this map, no permission needed!)

5.0 Changelog 
  • Added a guidebook for newer players
  • Difficulty is no longer locked to hard mode
  • Added several new caves that connect to the surface 
  • Phantoms no longer spawn every night, /gamerule doinsomnia has been turned back on
  • Added a few new features to the Desert
  • Added a couple small islands 
  • Foliage has been improved on the main island 
  • A couple of deep underground caves have been smoothed so they aren’t so jagged, now look more like natural Minecraft generation
  • More gravel has been added so it’s easier to obtain in large quantities 
  • Sea pickles and podzol have been added and no longer are only obtainable through the wandering trader
  • Fixed a particular cave being completely empty 
  • Fixed End Portal already being activated upon finding it
  • Fixed exposed command blocks in the End dimension 

WARNING: 16.0 Beta players may encounter odd spawn rates of some hostile mobs. This is because of a command block that despawns mobs at a certain distance away from the player in order to balance the mob cap. The 16.0 update introduces natural mob despawning in a similar but slightly different way then the command block works, therefore the two may possibly conflict and mobs may disappear at odd times. This will be looked into once 16.0 is released for Apple users.

Creator: Plasma7007 


Topic starter Posted : 25/03/2020 7:44 pm